Educational Institutions Near Prakasam

 Educational Institutions Near Prakasam

The institutions in Prakasam give quality education and there are students who arrive at these institutions from each over the nation. There are Educational insititutions near prakasam. Yet, then are roughly well honored Prakasam institutions that are the best and are the most sought for institutions. 

 Vasavi Institutions started in 2004, under the aegis of Sri Vasavi Kanyaka Parameswari Educational Society, the college has made its presence felt in the technical horizon of the stated. We have one School for LKG to Class X namely VASAVI VIDYA NIKETAN and one Vasavi Degree College namely S.V.K.P.DEGREE COLLEGE. Vasavi Educational Institutions KG to PG Institutions. This providing Nursery to Degree Education with all groups. 

The institution is constantly ahead in the chase of excellence. The Operation of the institution maintains in parenthood the changes from time to time by antedating the rearmost superior technologies in the class by rendering all necessary infrastructural and instructional facilities. 

Clinging to its focus values, the institute gives topmost precedence to ethical values and high norms, and confinement to value-grounded education. We understand working naturally and actually, building trust, and maintaining a long-continuing relationship with Society. Our team contains highly modified and motivated faculty. Core competence and a friendly but efficient work culture play an important role in our overall accomplishments.

Vasavi Educational Institutions Provides

  • Engaged learners
  • Great teaching 
  • Vibrant community
  • Successful outcomes
  • Schools have a teamwork mentality and good communication measures
  • Effective instructional practices
  • Professional development

Contact us 

Ravipadu Road, Kandulapuram, CUMBUM-523333, Prakasam District, AndhraPradesh.,
ph 91934762200, 9866486181 



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