Top Intermediate colleges in prakasam

Vasavi Institutions was started in the year 2004 under the aegis of Sri Vasavi Kanyaka Parmaeswari Educational Society in Cumbum, Prakasam district, Andhra Pradesh. The Educational Institutions comprises of Vasavi Vidyaniketan, Vasavi Junior College & S.V.K.P.(Sri Vasavi Kanyaka Parameswari) Degree College. Vasavi Vidyaniketan is one of the best schools in Prakasam district. The school has classes ranging from Nursery to Xth standard. Coming to Intermediate, Vasavi dones it with Vasavi Junior College, one of the best junior colleges in A.P. SVKP Degree college stands in top 10 Degree Colleges in A.P.

We have one School for LKG to Class X namely VASAVI VIDYANIKETAN and one Junior college namely Vasavi Junior College and one Degree College namely S.V.K.P.DEGREE COLLEGE. Vasavi Junior College is one of the top Intermediate colleges in Prakasam & also one of the top Intermediate Colleges in AP. Technically enabled class rooms, Digital boards, Advanced Science & Computer Laboratories with good knowledged faculty makes Vasavi as one of the best junior colleges in AP. Adding to them are the Library, Playgrounds or the Transportation facilities that make us one of the top 10 junior colleges in AP. Being the Best inter college in AP is not the goal of Vasavi rather providing Quality Education with good facilities to all our students has been the driving force of Vasavi that made it be the best.


We are committed to the holistic development of each child through an academic programmes.

We have developed an innovative approach to learning where students gain the skills they need to improve their lives.

Students learn through inquiry, Making learning fun and effective through innovative methodologies.


We believe that all children can succeed. We believe in high standards and strong values. Our aim is to send the students to top universities and have successful careers. To achieve that in the 21st century they need to have great English language skills reading, writing, speaking as well as the communication skills, attributes and leadership qualities that we teach at our VASAVI VIDYANIKETAN 


The physical literacy plays a greater role in reducing the stress levels with new kind of approach. Our physical education program will enable children to transform their lives in a healthy way for life time and also allows them to master in sports.

This curriculum offers children a fun based sports, physical education and nutrition curriculum. Student's general health be observed and records will be given to the parents

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For More Info:
Call us: +91 9395574555, +91 8186879794

top intermediate colleges in prakasam

top intermediate colleges in ap

 #best inter colleges in ap

# best junior colleges in ap


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